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Work with Centre of Technical Support "NAUKA" means responsible performance of all contract terms and conditions; strict adherence to the equipment specifications (both regarding quantity and quality); equipment installation by a service engineer duly trained by the manufacturer; and mandatory guarantee service and technical support of users after contract completion.

CTS NAUKACTS "NAUKA" was established by a group of specialists experienced in delivery and servicing of high-technology scientific equipment for over ten years. Our specialists will demonstrate their expertise in equipment selection and will render any advice you require.

We operate in Russia. We speak Russian and are always available. We are aware of the specific nature and peculiarities of the Russian market and have wide experience in sophisticated scientific equipment delivery and commissioning. We believe in our future and in the future of our country, that is why we take responsibility for everything we do. Wide experience in solution of sophisticated scientific issues, professional development, responsibility to any deed and spotless reputation are the bases of our efficient operation and our strategy for the successful future.


The equipment, on which our company relies and which we recommend to our customers, is a point of view taking into account the experience and the time-tested choice.

We are competent in technical issues and have skills required for their practical application. That is why our customers trust our solutions and we trust our customers. To be a professional means to be relevant and popular on the market.

We represent leading manufacturers of laboratory equipment with whom we have reliable partner relations. 

Our main partners are listed below:

  • Agilent Technologies
  • Advanced Research System
  • Berghoff
  • Cambridge Lasers Laboratories
  • Cryo Industries of America
  • CryLas
  • CPI International
  • Elemental Scientific
  • Elemental Microanalysis
  • Emcore
  • Edinburg Instruments
  • Glass Expansion
  • G.A.S.
  • Gamlaser
  • HORIBA Scientific
  • Hubner
  • Inorganic Ventures
  • IVA GmbH
  • Koehler Instruments
  • KMLabs
  • KIMMON Electric
  • LakeShore
  • Laser Quantum
  • Linkam
  • Leiden Cryogenics
  • Los Gatos Research
  • Meinhard
  • Millipore
  • Photonics
  • Picarro
  • Pike Scientific
  • Perkin-Elmer
  • Rigel
  • Stirling Cryogenics
  • SCP Science
  • Specac
  • Harrick
  • TeraView

Service support

CTS NAUKAWe realize the significance of servicing, its necessity and inevitability as an important platform for a company specializing in delivery of hi-tech scientific equipment.

We never let our customers face emerging issues on their own and do not forward them to the manufacturer; we do not make our customers wait for long. Our technical specialists will be quick to respond depending on the situation. Experience suggests that a major part of issues can be solved remotely if an issue is handled by an experienced specialist. NAUKA TSC employs only highly qualified specialists. If necessary, we visit our customers and are quick in resolving any problems related to equipment operation. Our support service renders both guarantee and post-guarantee equipment servicing.

Our engineers are experienced in qualified equipment commissioning and train customer’s personnel in new equipment. Our company employs sufficient number of specialists so our customers do not need to wait for support for a month. We promptly respond to incoming requests and clearly perform tasks set. NAUKA TSC also renders post-guarantee service under contracts with enterprises.


Address: "Tehnopark", 22 Malomoskovskaia street, 129626 Moscow, Russia 

Mailing address: p/o box 90, 129626 Moscow, Russia, NAUKA TSC LLC

Phone/ fax: +7 (495) 669 39 72

E-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.

Контакты (3)

Адрес: 129626, Россия, Москва, ул. Маломосковская 22, "Технопарк"

Адрес для почтовых отправлений: 129626, Россия, г. Москва, а/я 90, ООО "ЦТС "НАУКА"

Тел. / факс: +7 (495) 669 39 72

E-mail:  Этот адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.

Маломосковская 22


Данный раздел сайта находится в разработке



Данный раздел сайта находится в разработке


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